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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 26, 2009

~mengisi keBORINGAN~

1. Where did you take your profile pic?
= kat hot market..**padahal,dh ade notis~kamera x dibenarkan!!~hakhak

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
=towel + blouse ptg td..hee~

3. What is your current problem?
= prob??xde lg bt mase nie..hidup ku penuh ngan sukasuki..hihi

4. What makes you happy most?
=hangout ngan pokcik n zali ptg td..~

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
= westlife~soledad~..dah agk lme lagu ni kan??

6. Any celeb you would marry?
= tade2..ku berpijak dbumi yg nyate..haha

7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
= syakirah nadia ibrahim..hee~

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
= penah..dipkse tyme kursus OC last sem..malu weyh..haha

9. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
=haha,.ade ke??

10. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?
=of kos!!kanak2 i2 maseh duniaku..haha

11. Do you speak any languages?
=pnh kot..mandarin n arabic..hehe..

12.Do you ever watch MTV?

Chapter 1:

1. Middle name:
=..binti..???!!tu pon kire gak ke???haha

2. Nickname(s) (for friends):
= jie..jieha..

3. Current location:=atas sofa kat ruang tamu..hee~

4. Eye color:= itam yg sgt menawan..;)

Chapter 2:

Do you get along well with your parents?

Chapter 3: Favorites

1. Ice creams
= omg..vanila of kos......

2. Shampoo/conditioner:
= mestila gune wei...sunsilk kaler ijau

Chapter 4: Do You...

1. Dance in the shower?
=haha...ntah..malu nk jawab!

2. Do you write on your hand?
= kdg2

3. Call people back?
= sumtymes..:)

4. Believe in love?
= bt mase ni TIDAK same sekali...

5. Any mental health issues?
= yeah...ku penah masuk hosp.bahagia dlu..haha..

Chapter 5: Have You..

1. Broken a bone?
=so far,Alhamdulillah..xde lg..

2. Sprained anything?
=ade2...ms men badminton..sakit sgt2..

3. Had physical therapy?
= x dok eh..moleq2 aje..Alhamdulillah..:)

4. Gotten stitches?
= x...Alhamdulillah..

5. Taken painkillers?
= haha....mesti la de..


1. I love: all of you!!

2. I don't understand : ..bile org kedekut nak mampos..

3. When I wake up in the morning: pk rase cam nak mintak cuti je..haha

4. Life is full of:happiness..hee~

5. I get annoyed very quickly when: kne marah..haha

6. Parties are : tempat tuk gelak ketawa..sukasuki namenye..

7. Dogs are: haram n amatla menakutkan..!!haha

8. Cats are: comey n manje sgt2..i ilkeeeeeee

9. Tomorrow is: da day **bnyk keje weyh**

10. I have a low tolerance for:org yg biadap..xhormatkan org laen..

11. If I had a million dollars I would: lgsaikan sume hutang..haha

12. I'm totally terrified of : kedalaman yg melampau..sye xpandai berenang!!haha

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